We came home from San Francisco on saturday afternoon but aside from our various purchases we also brought home a stomach bug. I don’t know what it was but we ate something on Thursday that didn’t agree with us. Andy was ill first and I then became ill on the Saturday. We were both off work sick today but are going back in tomorrow.
But enough of that, here’s the first taste of the San Francisco stash!

Rachel in answer to your comment, yes our cases were very heavy! Especially mine!
Sorry that you’ve been ill.
It was great to see pics of you on Mariko’s blog.That poncho looked fantastic on you.
Beautiful yarn haul ! Looking forward to seeing the rest.
AHHHHH! I can’t wait to see it thursday.
Hope you feeling better.
Stomach bug? You probably ate too much rice-a-roni.
(I have no idea how that joke will translate over the pond – but it’s worth a shot.)
Hi Jacqueline!
We don’t have rice-a-roni over here. Strangely enough though, when I was in Toronto I bought something from a comic store and they put it in a bag which had an ad for rice-a-roni on it! So I have heard of the product but don’t get the joke. Would you mind explaining?