New KnitCast plus tidying and updating

Earlier today I recorded the first new KnitCast for nearly three years. It’ll go live next week and just needs a little editing. I’m quite excited about it 🙂 Had a few technical hitches but my interviewee was delightful and didn’t seem to mind too much. For recording I’m using Pamela which records Skype conversations. I have the Pro version on free trial and think I’ll be investing in it as although it’s not the most perfect solution for me, it is pretty good.

Meanwhile my typepad account expires on the 28th so I’m rather hastily fixing links in my new WordPress blogs. Am concentrating on the new KnitCast blog at the moment since that has fewer posts. I still have to create a new Knit One, Build One gallery though. Think that’ll happen tomorrow evening with the updating of links and images on this blog happening slowly through the week. It’s a lot of work but it won’t be so bad once it’s done.

And after that’s all sorted it’ll be time to turn my attentions back to the garden – vegetable growing and sorting out the wall Doug knocked down for me. Very busy!

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