More Ponchos!

What’s this?


Why it’s a finished Mango Moon recycled silk poncho!

I finished sewing in the very many ends last Thursday when I was off sick from work. I was very ill so it took me all day to finish the poncho.

This is what was left


Should be enough for an interesting scarf.

I’ve now cast on for a new Stitch Diva Poncho this time in some fingering weight loopy mohair by Cherry Tree Hill. The colourway is a mix of turquoise and dark purple/blue. It’ll go with a lot of my clothes, however, the dye has been coming off the yarn onto my hands and it doesn’t co-ordinate with them!

I hope to have the poncho finished for my trip to San Francisco but since that will also have to include washing to remove the loose dye I’m not sure if it’ll be ready in time. It’s a simple pattern but because of the size, and the tedium of miles of knit stitch, seems to take ages.

Meanwhile my secret knitting project is almost complete!

3 Replies to “More Ponchos!”

  1. Oh my goodness…I didn’t think I wanted a poncho, but the Mango Moon you’ve just finished is extraordinary! Absolutely beautiful! While it really doesn’t matter what others think of your knitting, I must say I LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!!! I LOE IT!!! Marvelous work!