Soft toys

Since Andy’s Valentine’s gift hadn’t arrived in time I said that I would assemble the soft toy Corgi kit I’d given to him as one of his Christmas presents. His gradparents used to breed corgis so he likes them a lot. I started it last night after we came home from our meal at the Japanese noodle bar. The instructions aren’t the clearest and I ended up having the ears on twice after I made a mistake. I’d also forgotten how difficult it is to sew fur fabrics especially when they’re in such small pieces.

Today I finished his head and started on his body.


Now it’s certainly not the best stitching effort ever. As you can see one of his ears is bigger than the other and he’s slightly cock eyed! But he’s still cute! 🙂

Tomorrow I’ll finish the sewing and we may even get around to stuffing him.

Haven’t done a great deal of knitting today, did a bit on the second Trekking sock and plan on making a little headway on the multi yarn scarf before bed.

Tonight we saw Something’s Gotta Give starring Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton. For my review head over to The Film Review Blog.

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