Playing Catchup

I’ve been meaning to blog for ages. I like to plan my entries and have had a few planned but not got around to posting.

But less of what I’ve not been doing.Let’s move onto what I have been doing. 🙂

Firstly, there’s a new edition of Knitcast out! This time I interview Lee Meredith of Leethal Knits. Such a lovely lady!

Secondly, there’s tidying!

I moved into this house in May 2008. At the time Doug and I were just friends, not dating and I told him that I’d be unpacked in three months.  My god, have I been ribbed over that statement! The problem with having a lot of stuff is that when you do go to deal with it, it can seem so overwhelming that you do nothing. Ok, maybe you move a couple of things or shift things around but mostly you just think “I can’t deal with this right now, it’s just too much”. And that’s been my attitude for much of the time.

The downside is that I’ve not been able to access my craft room and actually make things in there – ever. So I’ve busy unpacking all the boxes in there and making space since on Friday I get new yarn shelving and a cutting table! 🙂

Tomorrow I have a very busy day ahead of me. I’m spending it with Heather Ordover, Amy Singer, Dianne Read-Jackson and the rest of the peeps on the CraftLit: London, Bath and Wales tour. And in the evening we’re going to a huge meetup of all the Cardiff knitting groups at Dempsey’s Pub! It should be fun! And exhausting!

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