A short post this week because the shoulder pain I wrote about last time was the beginnings of shingles. I’ve never had this before and assumed only older people suffered from it. Not true! I’m dosed up on anti virals and two different painkillers but it’s not helping the pain a great deal. Shingles can’t be cured it just has to run its course. I hope that happens quickly!
So not much done but a little on Edinburgh Rock
Oh no! I’ve had shingles and it wasn’t funny. And it didn’t clear up quickly, either. What bad luck. Incidentally, I don’t think the antivirals help unless you take them within 72hours of the onset – sounds like yours was a bit longer. I was able to get it diagnosed quickly and take them, and my pain wasn’t as severe as other people I’ve spoken to. But it did take a few weeks to really go away.
Take care! And rest.