I went to London a couple of weeks ago and caught up with my friends Andrew and Shalene and met their six-month-old baby, Alex. I’d wanted to make something for Alex rather than just buy  something. Buying things is too easy and not always personal enough for a crafter. I ummed and ahhed over what to do. Booties perhaps since I had a cute pattern for them that I’ve not yet knit or perhaps a toy. Eventually the ideal idea hit me. I’d make him a little pair of trousers and sure enough I found a free pattern from Amber at Make Baby Stuff.com. It’s even available in a pdf in several sizes. Aren’t people on the net generous?
So I had my project but then I needed the perfect pattern. Andrew and Shalene are both geeks, like me, and they hope little Alex will grow into a geek too. Luckily from years of hoarding fabric I had the perfect cotton print featuring cute little green men, planets and spaceships. I’ve had this fabric for 11 years, don’t ask me where I got it from because I can’t remember, and it was fab to finally use it.
And here’s the finished project on Alex while his mum holds him.
I was so pleased that they all liked the trews and I plan on making him a few more. 🙂 See, so much better than just buying something.
Ahh! They’re so cute! Well done on finding a good use for such a funky fabric! There’s lots of free baby/small children patterns on Prudent Baby at the moment too.
Very cute geeky trousers 🙂
Fabulous trousers 😀
Oh, and a fab gift too 😀